Monday, 1 February 2010

Comment on "Third time (un)lucky by Ms. B. A.

Now I have finally taken time to write a comment, even though I only have 17 minutes until Medium starts.

Bea! I think you did a great job with your third post! You always does a great job. But this was great! You are discussing the theme on a good way. I really like the fact that Edward would be busted easier if he went to the doctor, but that would only work if his "dad" was not the doctor. But I think he would let the Count go as well, to protect their kind.
Anyway, you describe the things about Dracula in a good way, you mention that he is not a superhero whithout weaknesses like Edward. And it is true that humans can be allergic to sun... Well, my skin (and yours I've heard) does not like sun that much, it gets burned, red and it hurts really much, sometimes it feels like it is on fire, lucky for us, it is not. I think the vampires have a bit more sensitive skin than you and me.
I do not agree with you on the garlic thing! You asked who liked garlic, and I have an answer: I LOVE GARLIC!!! (If you are a vampire and read this you should know that I love vampires too!)
I agree with you on the adamantine skin-thing. He would be busted faster than he could... kiss Bella...
But I think the superpower the vampires have makes it more fun and it would not be that much action without the "superpowers". The powers are kind of important in the following books.
But the fact that twilight-vampires have no liquids in their bodies, I can agree with you, it was not logic at all to explain it that way. I am sure that a good author could have made up a better solution.

Miss T. Vamposaur

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